Added ERC721 NFT Support
Send any Ethereum based NFT from MetaMask to your Keevo wallet
Securely store your NFT with Keevo
View your NFT assets' thumbnail image at any time in the ERC721 token’s account in Keevo Link
Ability to send your NFTs to any other wallet with ERC721 support
View the image of your NFT on your Keevo wallet device’s screen
Implemented additional confirmation screens to prevent overwriting previous stored data after Factory Reset flow
Added warning screen in Receive flow about sending tokens to Keevo from hard-fork chains
Added direct email link to support@keevowallet.com for ERC20 and ERC721 token requests not currently listed in our index
Implemented major upgrades to all of our nodes for faster transactions and improved notification speed
Added support for various ERC20 tokens based on previous requests (MANA, Mononoke Inu, PEEPS, etc.)
Several other bug fixes and performance improvements